Saturday, April 3, 2010


Here's to you, my friend. The friend who has completely touched my life.Both in a bad way.. and kinda good way. The friend who has been there, and then wasn't there. Ever since I wanted you to like me too. But then you dropped out of nowhere.. but into my life again.

I really like you and, it hurts to know that you don't feel the same way about me. I've been there for you. Even when you decided to walk out of my life one day. I tell you that I like you.. and you completely freak out.

Who do I like? You or your younger self. That's a hard question. And I may not really know the answer.

But, I think that I love you. All of you. That boy that I called my friend. Who walked out of my life.. didn't bother to tell me where he was going. The boy that I cried over for many months. Wondering what could've happened to you.. and then finding out that you might be dead. But then I also like the boy who I have come to know. The one I couldn't wait for a text message from. Staying up to 12,. just to hear your voice. You tell me that you miss me, and that you've thought about me all the time.. but then we fight and you say pretty mean things.

I'm not going to be the girl who waits around forever.. It sucks to think this and, even type this out. But one day, you'll wake and realize what you had. By then I will have moved on.

I will get over you.. one day. I want so much just to forget you. To look at you as a stranger that has never seen your face before. Until then, all I can do is hold on to this heart ache til it slips away.

So here's to you my friend. No need to pray for forgiveness. I'm gone.

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