Monday, June 28, 2010


Tell me often that you love me through your talk,your actions and your gestures. Don’t assume that I know it. I may show signs of embarrassment and even deny that I need it-But don’t believe it, do it anyway.

Compliment me often for jobs well done and don’t downgrade but reassure me when I fail. Don’t take the many things I do for you for granted. Positive reinforcement and appreciation works toward making sure I repeat them.

Let me know when you feel low or lonely or misunderstood. It will make me stronger to know I have the power to comfort you. Feelings,verbalized, can be destructive. Remember, though I love you, I still can’t always read your mind.

Express joyous thoughts and feelings. They bring vitality to our relationship. It’s wonderful to celebrate non birthdays, personal valentine’s days. Give gifts of love without reason and hear you verbalize your happiness.

When you respond to me so I feel special, it will make up for all those who, during the day, have passed me up without seeing me.

Don’t invalidate my being by telling me that what I see or feel is insignificant or not real. If I see and feel it-for me- it’s my experience and therefore important and real!

Listen to me without judgment or preconception. Being heard, like being seen, is vital. If you truly see me and hear me as I am at the moment it is continued affirmation of my being as we help each other to change.

Touch me. Hold me. Hug me. Kiss me. My physical self is revitalized by loving nonverbal communication.

Respect my silences. Alternatives for my problems, creativity, and my spiritual needs are most often realized in moments of SILENCE.

Let others know you value me.

...then you’re gonna make me continue fall in love with you everyday...



love the images. hoping someone will ease the pain...

yoomie said...


precious paez said...

uhmm.. huh...(-.-)