Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Where am I? Where part of the world am I? I am in a path with no direction, a place which is unknown… I am encountering unfamiliar faces in an uncommon situation and uncertainties

A man was hurriedly approaching towards my direction. He seems so sad and upset. He was saying something but I can’t understand what was is all about. A few seconds after he shared the reason of his despair, he hugged me tightly and I felt the drops of his tears upon my shoulder. The best thing I know I can do by that moment is to tap him at his back to relieve him from his grief.

And we became close at that scene. I helped him and finally he moved on from his last, who damned him and pick a new guy for his replacement. He takesnew life with new friend at his side, thick and thin. We became best friends and I thought it will be forever not until one day he moved against me. He’s acting like a cold flame whenever I am there, so I am.

It seems so easy for him to intrude my life and be a part of it then all of a sudden he will take me out of his life without giving me an explanation. I just hate him for being like that. He should know the feeling of being hanged up and the hurt of expecting that everything will turn out good or else will end up into a fantasy with happy finale. But I am still thinking that he might have a good reason of turning me away. I am trying to understand his situation and only a matter of time can answer what I want to know.

Yes. You can’t took away from me to look forward that one day he will come back again to me and confide everything he wants. I’m not expecting anymore that he will clarify the things that happened and why did he do it to me. Hence I will be happy with whatever we will have and what we will be. I just don’t want to loose a friend because it’s my fear- fear of losing the person I used to deal with ever since. I don’t want to be left alone in a dim with no one at my side like at this moment. I am in no where, I am in a direction I know but with no one. I am taking the flow of the aisle though I don’t know where it will go.

I wish someday I will meet SOMEONE who would be with me until the end point of the aisle or yet there’s someone waiting for me, a man who’s also dreaming that happy endings still exist not just a fantasy.


Random Thoughts said...

ang emo ng emtries mo gurl..hahah..

yoomie said...

girl..siguro nga it really hurts to fall for someone who wouldn't love you back...:(..but in your case..you have to decide for what you really feel about that guy...juust be strong...

precious paez said...

sad nanaman?!!
npapadalas ahh... hehehe,,